Being Master of Ceremony for International Karate Championship 2019

December 27, 2019
This year almost ends but my spirit will never end. Instead, it keeps me going to improve myself for the upcoming year. Before ending this year that will end within 3 days starting from today, I would like to share a little bit of my wonderful experience as a master of ceremony and a professional public speaker. This is going to be an experience I had when I got an opportunity to be the English-speaking master of ceremony in International Karate Championship held by FORKI (Federasi Olahraga Karate-Do Indonesia/ Federation of Sport and Karate-Do Indonesia). It was held on July 2019.

Being an MC in International Karate-Do Championship 2019 

I have always been interested in sport and yet I never joined any national or international competition related to that. But it never made me sad or upset about it, because I can still enjoy sport as an interest or as a hobby. My experience dealing with becoming an MC in sport competition is such a whole new level of enjoying my hobbies into one and gain profit out of it. Yes, that's why I said that this is a wonderful experience to do. Long before I became the MC for International karate competition, I had been working for Indonesian Football Federation as an Announcer for AFF (ASEAN Football Federation) in 2018 (which later on I will also share this experience in the upcoming post, so stay tune ;)). Because of that experience, I have been known for my ability in announcing and also for being a Master of Ceremony.

And then, there came the day where International Karate Championship was going to be held in Surabaya, Indonesia and became the host country. At first, I did not know about this event was going to be held in Indonesia, let alone in Surabaya. Until one day, when I was busy being an announcer in the radio for my internship, I got a text from my colleague that she asked me to be an English-speaking MC for International Karate Championship. How could I say no to that? I mean, another international experience. Then, I immediately accepted the offer and said "yes!".

The day of the event had come, it was held in DBL Arena, Surabaya. You know what? This event was held for three days considering for the amount of the people who applied for this competition. I was really excited for the new experience. I had learned a lot about everything related with Karate and the terms in Karate before this event was finally started. Things that an MC or presenter needs to do before the day the event starts is to study about the event and everything related to that. Because you are going to be the host and lead the event. Therefore, learning the event is about is really crucial for an MC to do (my beloved readers, please do make a note for this!).

It went smoothly and awesome and I was glad that what I learned before this event was started had helped me so much. Not only that, the fact that this was an International championship, I got to meet a lot of people from different countries competing for karate and it was really awesome. This event made me love my job as an MC even more because not only I got to experience becoming an MC in an international sport event, but also it made me gain more connection with a lot of people which I am sure it will also help me to connect with more people in the future and open various job opportunities. Once you love your job, I am sure, it will also lead you to various things that follow it to get you closer with the things beyond your imagination. I love my job as an MC, and I would not say no for a big opportunity and a big event like this, because I am sure, every opportunity will give me another new level of experience and it will lead me to master my profession.

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